by Raymond Grisby
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6 simple techniques to overcoming a low self esteem.
Overcoming a low self esteem can be a scary task in the beginning. Let me ask you a question? Who are you? I mean be brutally honest and tell me how you feel about the person that you have become. Are you struggling to keep up with who society says you ought to be? Do you often find yourself being compared to others? Do you feel as if life has dealt you a "bad hand"? Well let me tell you I have some simple techniques the will help in your quest for overcoming a low self esteem.
Overcoming a low self esteem requires time and patience. Self esteem is like a little seedling growing inside of you. With the proper sunlight and water, that inner tree of self esteem will grow to heights in which you could have never imagined. Although it will take some time to develop, the hardest part is getting the process started. Here are 6 simple ways to overcoming a low self esteem.
· Know your strengths
Here is a little exercise for you. Take a sheet of paper and write down all your strengths. Please do not cut any corners. No matter how basic something appears to be, by all means write it down. This is where you want to acknowledge the talents that you have and to focus on developing those qualities that you have already been blessed with. If you are having problems coming up with strengths, think about the things in life that come naturally for you. Think about how you may not have to work hard at something. How something is second nature for you. To take that one step further, ask individuals who know you personally. What may be hidden to your eyes can be shockingly obvious to someone else.
· Acknowledge the areas that need improvement
This one can come as an easy task for some, but can be difficult for others to grasp. Any weakness that you may have in your life needs to be addressed. There is no such thing as a minor weakness. Many times we try to ignore or cover an area in our life that hinders our thoughts or beliefs. Face that weakness head on and find ways to turn that negative into a positive. Eliminating that area of weakness can be the deciding factor as to what you may ultimately accomplish in life. It may be the final door in your path that needs to be unlocked for you to achieve success.
· Don't take things personally
About four years ago, I was going through a roller coaster ride with my emotions. I was not happy with the direction my life was going. During those trying times, I was not focused on my job. I made many errors and was criticized by many people. I noticed that I took the comments that people made personally. In the thick of all this, I made a job change. As I look at the entire situation, I hadn't solved anything. Have you ever had a deep puncture wound that required stitches, but you did quick band aid patch job? What happened to the wound? For starters, the wound continued to bleed. In fact it would be no surprise that the wound had probably become infected. That's how my situation turned out. Instead of not taking the comments personally and improving things, I pretty much did a patch job. I went to another job to get away from the situation, but the root of the problem still existed. The key is to get rid of the deep rooted problem with a viable solution. Don't run from the source -- your low self esteem.
· Learn to control what you can
Think about everything or everyone that you come into contact with on a daily basis. Out of all you can think of, the only thing that you have complete control over is your mind or thoughts. When you think about it, even your body can pretty much function on its own. You don't say to yourself breathe, you don't say to you arm rise up and wave. You don't say to your leg walk or bend. Your body doesn't need your approval for the most part; it just carries out these actions. YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT! Now your mind on the other hand can be controlled by you. It is you who controls how you feel about yourself. It is you that determines how much of a success you can and will be. It is you that controls the entire thought process. In short, your mind is a vessel to set afloat your hopes and dreams. It is your mind that begins the process to make you a successful individual and make all things possible.
· Set goals and have a plan
If you are looking to improve yourself, cluttered thoughts and procrastination will lead you to many dead ends. Create a firm foundation as to what you want in life and when you want it. This will cut down frustration. Hold your head up and aim for the stars, your mind will naturally seek out ways to achieving your goals. Always remember that life will always be filled with unexpected turns and twists. Don't worry!!! Just be flexible so that you may adjust when this happens. The goal is not to get there in a certain time or get there when others expect you to. The goal is to just get there.
· Laugh and have fun
Lets face it; this is a cruel world that we live in. Depression and anxiety is on the rise. In order to live your life and remain sane, you CAN'T TAKE THINGS TO SERIOUSLY! Try to have fun in whatever you do. Remember that everyone around you is in the same predicament. Everyone is on his or her own journey of success as well. Everyone is striving to be the best, so you should try to network with others to make the journey easier and make it a more pleasurable experience.
Overcoming a low self esteem is somewhat of an art form. These six techniques may not work on everyone. In fact all of them may not work on you, but the key is to test them and see what will and what won't work. That's the whole thought process. Take action today and begin your rewarding journey of overcoming a low self esteem.
Friday, May 11, 2007
6 simple techniques to overcoming a low self esteem
Posted by farrel at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 5, 2007
Self Esteem – 4 Simple Steps To Conquer Self Esteem
By: Jason Osborn
Believe it or not, some of the most successful people you see in the media today used to have a low self esteem. How did they overcome this and become the successful people that they are today?
You can win the battle over low self esteem with these 4 simple steps…
1. Affirmations.
Affirmations are simply positive things that you say out loud to yourself every day. This can be very difficult at times because you may not actually believe what you are saying. SO why would you say something to yourself that you don’t believe?
Increased self esteem has to start with you. So, if you are shy and intimidated by people, start to say something like the following: I am NOT shy and I am NOT intimidated by people. I am VERY confident when I get around people.
Repeat this to yourself out loud at least 10 times before you leave your room. When you say this, don’t just mumble it either, say it as many times as necessary until you say it with passion and conviction.
2. Read to grow.
Again, increased self esteem starts with you. Read something everyday for at least 30 minutes that will help you increase your self esteem. This can be an article, a book, or even an audio series. The more you learn the more you will grow. The more you grow, the more your self esteem will improve.
3. Take action everyday.
Do something every day, starting with something small, that directly deals with your low self esteem. For instance, if you can’t talk with people because you feel insecure and inferior, just start off by saying ‘Hi’. As you get more comfortable with this, then start to make small talk. You will begin to feel more confident and more confident until one day, you will find that you have overcome low self-esteem in that area.
4. Stop the negative thoughts.
Negative thoughts are like land mines. As soon as you step out to face your fear, a negative thought comes and tells you that you can’t do it and BOOM; you believe it and lose that round. Instead, diffuse negative thoughts before they have a chance to do damage.
A great way to do this is with a rubber band! Put a rubber band around your wrist. Every time a thought comes into your head that tells you that you can’t, you will never succeed, you are a looser, or anything negative, SNAP the rubber band on your wrist.
You may be snapping that band until your wrist is red and sore. Before long though, you will stop the negative thoughts because you don’t want to hurt your wrist anymore.
These four steps will help you increase your self esteem and become the person you really want to be. Just remember this: you are not going to change over night. It will take time but as long as you are progressing, you are winning the war.
About the Author:
To get your free 7 part e-course, subscribe at Jason and Rebecca Osborn have dedicated themselves to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through their Find Your Greatness Newsletter.
Read more articles by: Jason Osborn
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Posted by farrel at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 17, 2007
tips/info untuk me non aktifkan HP yg hilang
Setiap HP memiliki 15 digit serial number yang unique (IMEI), artinya : tidak mungkin sama dengan HP lainya. Untuk mencatat nomor ini, pencet di HP anda.
X Pertama tekan : * # 0 6 #
Gicu loohh...
Tips ini ga ada salah nya di coba, biar maling handphone pada jera.
Posted by farrel at 3:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Key to Self-Esteem
Self-esteem, like happiness, is a state of mind. It can make you feel happy, cheerful and confident. It can also make you feel worthless, unwanted and weak. Self-esteem can best be compared to a powerful battery. When the battery is fully charged, the individual feels confident and raring to go; when the battery is run down the individual feels low and wants to hide.
Obviously, individuals with low self-esteem cannot be expected to do well in life. They will approach every issue with a lack of confidence even though they may be fully capable of doing a job. That is why self-belief is considered the bedrock of self-esteem. It gives an individual the extra confidence that makes all the difference between an achiever and a failure.
So how do you inculcate a sense of self-belief in yourself? You will be making a big mistake if you start seeing yourself as the most important man in your field. This cannot be called self-belief or self-esteem. Instead it is conceit, and as everyone knows conceit is a dangerous quality. It generates false confidence, which often becomes a source of woes.
What you need is healthy self-esteem. This means that you should look at yourself as an individual who is at par with his peer group, who has nothing to feel ashamed of, and who looks at all issues with a positive frame of mind. Healthy self-esteem also means that you are able to differentiate between humility and self-effacement, between arrogance and modesty, between complacency and hyperactivity.
However, to do so you must learn to accept yourself as any other individual who will have some strengths and some weaknesses, and who will have some good days and some bad days. You must learn to ride out the good with the bad. Most important, you must believe in the clichéd saying that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. It will give you the confidence and self-belief that every individual needs in his bad moments. This is what self-esteem is all about – a self-belief in oneself.
Those who sit and mope can never feel happy. The same applies to those who blame the fate for their ills. Their energies are consumed by negative emotions. These emotions are like a whirlpool. They suck you deeper and deeper till you loose all sembla
Posted by farrel at 7:28 PM 0 comments